La ciudad hermosa: Canciones al comenzar un milenio. Para contralto y tenor, guitarra y multimedia (2008)
Carmen Luisa Letelier, contralto
Gonzalo Cuadra, tenor
Departamento de Investigación de la Universidad de Chile
1- Big Bang
2- La Tierra
3- Hombre y Mujer
4- Noviazgo
5- Boda
6- Llamado
7- Persecución
8- Europa
9- Oriente
10- Liturgia
11- Cantus Firmus
12- Creaturas
13- Renacimiento
14- Norte
15- Nocturno
16- Conquistas y Pasiones
17- Otras Conquistas
18- … Y Pasiones
19- Baile Chino
20- Amor y Libertad
21- Sueño
22- Conversión
23- Tú
24- Sonata
25- Mecanismo
26- Filarmonía
27- Infinito
28- Balada
29- Apresto
30- Encarnación
31- Revolución Industrial
32- Superhombre
33- Impresiones
34- Parto Virginal
35- Batalla al Norte
36- Otra Batalla
37- Batalla al Sur
38- Batalla del Cielo
39- La Serpiente Levantada
40- El Retorno
1- Big Bang
[vimeo url=https://vimeo.com/101024702]
Nr. 1 of of 40 songs by Rolando Cori: lyrics (Spanish), music and multimedia; Carmen Luisa Letelier and Gonzalo Cuadra: voices. Catholic meditation at the begining of the third milenium.
Song Nr. 1 is related to chapter 12 of the Revelation Book in the Bible
«Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
She was pregnant, and in labour, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth.
18- … Y Pasiones
19- Baile Chino
[vimeo url=https://vimeo.com/101024796]
Nr.18-19 of 40 songs by Rolando Cori: lyrics (Spanish), music and multimedia; Carmen Luisa Letelier and Gonzalo Cuadra: voices. Catholic meditation at the begining of the third milenium.
35- Batalla al Norte
[vimeo url=https://vimeo.com/101024797]
Nr. 35 of 40 songs by Rolando Cori: lyrics (Spanish), music and multimedia; Carmen Luisa Letelier and Gonzalo Cuadra: voices. Catholic meditation at the begining of the third milenium.
Song # 35 portraits I World War, European dictatorships, Josef Engling offered his life to the Virgin Mary at the Cambre front 1918.
36- Otra Batalla
[vimeo url=https://vimeo.com/101024798]
Nr. 36 of 40 songs by Rolando Cori: lyrics (Spanish), music and multimedia; Carmen Luisa Letelier and Gonzalo Cuadra: voices. Catholic meditation at the begining of the third milenium.
Song 36 is dedicated to martyrs of the Nazi regime Edit Stein, Franz Reinisch, Karl Leistner Maximilian Kolbe, and Spanish Civil War: María Pilar, Teresa and María Angeles some of the beatified by Johannes Paul II in 1987.
37- Batalla al Sur
[vimeo url=https://vimeo.com/101024799]
Nr. 37 of 40 songs by Rolando Cori: lyrics (Spanish), music and multimedia; Carmen Luisa Letelier and Gonzalo Cuadra: voices. Catholic meditation at the begining of the third milenium.
Nr. 37 is dedicated to a martyr of dictatorship and two saints in Latin America: bishop Oscar Romero, father Alberto Hurtado (SJ) fighter for social justice and Juanita de los Andes, carmelit nun. Pope John Paul II shouted «Love is stronger» in the mist of an anti Pinochet revolt during her beatification in Chile in 1987.
38- Batalla del Cielo
[vimeo url=https://vimeo.com/101024803]
Nr. 38 of 40 songs by Rolando Cori: lyrics (Spanish), music and multimedia; Carmen Luisa Letelier and Gonzalo Cuadra: voices. 20 centuries of individual and collective history is represented by a love pair persecuted by Evil. This drama is personalized specially in the life of saints who radically identify themselves with the lovers. Nr. 38 is dedicated to Blessed Laura Vicuña, a 12 year old girl who offered her life for the convertion of her mother and sanctity of espousal love, and to Josef Kentenich, founder of the Schönstatt Apostholic Movement upon whose grave is the inscription «He loved the Church»
39- La Serpiente Levantada
[vimeo url=https://vimeo.com/101024954]
Nr. 39 of 40 songs by Rolando Cori: lyrics (Spanish), music and multimedia; Carmen Luisa Letelier and Gonzalo Cuadra: voices. Catholic meditation on twenty centuries of individual and collective history represented by a love pair persecuted by Evil. This drama is personalized specially in the life of saints who radically identify themselves with the lovers. Song 39 is dedicated to F. Josef Kentenich, founder of the Apostholic Schönstatt Movement who was exiled from Europe by the Church and rehabilitated after 14 years by PP. Paul VI in 1964. Joao Possobon and Mario Hiriart are apostles of the Virgin Mary through whose eyes the complex world is seen.
40- El Retorno
[vimeo url=https://vimeo.com/101024953]
The last of 40 songs by Rolando Cori: lyrics (Spanish), music and multimedia; Carmen Luisa Letelier and Gonzalo Cuadra: voices. Catholic meditation on twenty centuries of individual and collective history represented by a love pair persecuted by Evil. This drama is personalized specially in the life of saints who radically identify themselves with the lovers. The last song envisions the redeemed cultures of the Third Milenium. Their soul is the eternally tender espousal love. A new era opened by the II Vatican Counsil and charismatic authors of a new way of life and feeling.